Simon Muzenda School Of Arts and Heritage Studies
Dean’s Welcome Note
The Simon Muzenda School of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies derives its inspiration from the late Vice President of Zimbabwe Cde Simon Muzenda who was named Son of the soil due to his deep rootedness in Culture and Heritage (Unhu/Ubuntu) as it is termed in Shona and Ndebele Dialects. It is these values that the School holds highly. Apart from that it is pertinent to also know that one of Great Zimbabwe University’s niche areas is Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies. The School is located in Mashava some 45km west of Masvingo and it a wide range of programmes. The School also houses the Centre of Culture and Heritage Studies which solely focuses on the University’s niche are of reclamation and preservation of culture and heritage
To be the hub of professional training and research in the fields of Culture, Heritage, Language, Creative and Visual Arts for sustainable socio-economic development.
To be the leading School in reclaiming, promoting and preserving our unique and rich cultural expressions in their diversity through creative community engagement and collaborative partnerships.
Core Values
To be the leading School in reclaiming, promoting and preserving our unique and rich cultural expressions in their diversity through creative community engagement and collaborative partnerships.
School Staff

Prof. E. Chireshe
Deputy Dean
Prof. E. Chireshe
DLitt et Phil (Religious Studies) [UNISA ,2013]
MA (Religious Studies)[ UZ ,2006]
BA Hons (Religious Studies) [UZ,1992]
Grad CE. [UZ, 1997]
Email address:
Research Interests:
Gender-based violence and religion; Religion and Ethics; Sociology of Religion
Mrs. T. Chipatiso
MBA [ZOU, 2010],
BMGT (HRM) [ZOU, 2006]
ND(Computer Studies) [Ranche House College, 1995]
Email address:
Ms. B. Musekiwa
BCom (HIR) [ [ZOU,2012],
Dip (HRM) [COMPSEC, 2007],
Dip (Sec Administration) [ COMPSEC, 2005 ]
Email address: