Quality Assurance & Academic Planning Unit

Director: Professor Musengi
Welcome Note
The Quality Assurance and Academic Planning Directorate is the central point for external and internal quality review preparations and activities intended to support a cycle of continuous quality improvement across all areas of teaching and non-teaching life at Great Zimbabwe University. The directorate applies a quality assurance approach that is premeditated to sustain the University in its quest to become an institution that integrates quality into its daily activities. The University considers the fundamental principle of quality enhancement across all areas of university provision including: teaching and learning, research, community engagement, industrialisation, innovation and non-teaching services.
Great Zimbabwe University is unreservedly committed to upholding elevated academic standards by enhancing the quality of its activities. This is accomplished through the fine-tuning of its quality assurance processes which facilitate the institution to continuously improve, evaluate and redefine its actions so as to achieve its goals. Our quality assurance is also part of a tripartite approach that links strategy, performance and quality together. Strategy guides members towards a vision of the future and performance provides evidence of quality enhancement and strategy execution while quality focuses on assuring an appropriate standard of excellence. We look forward to your active participation in order to assure appropriate standards of excellence in all aspects of the University’s life.
To be the centre of excellence in transformative quality assurance for teaching, research, community engagement, innovation and industrialization.
- Mainstream quality assurance in teaching and non-teaching units of the University;
- Lead in the development of quality standards for innovation;
- Provide internal stakeholders with an enabling environment for teaching, research, community engagement, innovation and industrialisation;
- Provide external stakeholders with transparent and accountable services.
Monitoring and ensuring the University’s compliance with appropriate standards set by its committees, Senate, Council and ZIMCHE;
Ensuring that standards for policies and practices in all aspects of the University’s teaching and non-teaching units are appropriate and relevant;
Accounting for the development and period updatingof operational tools for internal Quality Assurance.
Ensuring the appropriateuse of assessment instruments for the University’s operations.
Monitoring implementation of recommendations arising from internal and external evaluations in order to improve the ranking of the University in Zimbabwe, Africa and internationally.
Updating the University on regional and international trends in Quality Assurance issues.
To coordinate programme planning and accreditation in line with the University’s vision and national framework.

Professor M. Musengi
CE Primary [MoHTE, 1985]
CE Special Needs Education [UCE – UZ, 1988];
B. Ed Special Needs Education [UZ, 1999];
M. Ed Psychology [UZ, 2003]
PhD [Wits, 2014]
Prof Musengi’s publications include more than 40 articles in peer reviewed journals and book chapters. He is editor of the 2018 book ‘Learning to Teach in an Inclusive Era: Methods of Teaching’ and co-editor of the 2019 book ‘Inclusion as Social Justice: Theory and Practice in African Higher Education’. He is also an editorial board member of the Taylor and Francis journal ‘Deafness & Education International’. His current research interests revolve around quality in higher education.
Prof Musengi’s experience spans more than 30 years which cover primary, teacher and university education. He was appointed GZU Director of Quality Assurance and Academic Planning in 2018.
E-mail: mmusengi@gzu.ac.zw
Contact Details
Great Zimbabwe University
Off old Great Zimbabwe road
P.O. Box 1235
Masvingo, Zimbabwe
Tel.: +263 39 264443 / 2266653
Email: qualitydirectorate@gzu.ac.zw
Website: www.gzu.ac.zw