President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who is the Chancellor of Great Zimbabwe University, on Saturday, 2 November 2019, conferred degrees to 4 936 graduates at the University’s 13th graduation ceremony held at the University’s Main Campus.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who is the Chancellor of Great Zimbabwe University, on Saturday, 2 November 2019, conferred degrees to 4 936 graduates at the University’s 13th graduation ceremony.
Of the number capped, 4 301 were undergraduates, while 635 were postgraduates drawn from six Schools — the Muzenda School of Arts Culture and Heritage Studies , Gary Magadzire School of Agriculture and Natural Sciences; Robert Mugabe School of Education and Culture; Munhumutapa School of Commerce; Julius Nyerere School of Social Sciences; and Herbert Chitepo Law School. There was a 26 % jump in the total number of graduates this year compared to 3 916 last year. 58% of those capped were women.
Among some historic highlights of the 13th Graduation Ceremony, Herbert Zirima made history when he became the university’s first doctoral graduate. Dr Herbert Zirima — who is a lecturer at GZU — was capped after successfully completing a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology. Also making history on the day were 16 lawyers who became the first crop of lawyers to graduate from the Herbert Chitepo Law School